The Driver Qualification Files system, compiles a complete driver files that is paperless.  Documents are scanned  into the NSC server directly from client's location. This program is extremely user friendly, allowing administrators to input data and review files at any time.
The program provides reports and e-mail reminders to help company managers keep the files current
and to ensure all required documents are properly maintained. This paperless system will automatically fax the prior employment reference check and prior drug/alcohol background check to previous employers and time/date stamp these attempts. A high speed scanner and digital camera (provided) allow for easy document entry and a digital security picture for each driver.
DQF System benefits:
• Paperless driver qualification process.
• Quick & efficient way to be in compliance with D.O.T regulations.
• Access to your files anytime, from anywhere.
DQF System Features:
• Driver's Social Security Number integrity checking.
• Step by Step DQ Files creation process.
• Automated process of generating required forms.
• Documents missing alert.
• High speed on-line document scanning.
• Auto faxing previous employer forms.
• Full reporting including non-compliant driver report.
• NSC oversight management and security.
• Encrypted data transfer with protected server security.
Click here to start online  demonstration of DQF system.
Click here to send request for Sign-Up or for a temporary account for live tour on our training site. 
This program will save your company a tremendous amount of time and effort managing these files and maintaining compliance. 
The set-up and annual cost is very reasonable.