Federal Regulations (49 CFR Part 396.17) requires commercial vehicles operating in Interstate commerce be inspected at least once annually by a certified vehicle safety inspector.
Special Features & Benefits:
National Safety Compliance, Inc. provides D.O.T. Vehicle Safety Inspections in order to keep your company in compliance with State and Federal Regulations. We have listed below some of the special features and benefits of contracting with National Safety Compliance, Inc. for your company's safety compliance needs.
I. Convenience (On-Site Inspection)
National Safety Compliance, Inc. offers Annual D.O.T. Certified Vehicle Safety Inspections for the 
transportation industry. NSC provides these inspections at your own facilities and at your convenience. Upon completion of the inspections , you will receive not only the inspection report, but an FMCSA Certified Periodic Inspection sticker that meets D.O.T. requirements.
II. Quality Inspections with documentation
Our "Federal D.O.T. Certified Inspectors" are highly trained and experienced 
in providing complete and extensive safety inspections. Our vehicle inspection report is easy to understand, immediately flagging out-of-service defects and providing mechanics with clear defect identification for repair.
III . Re-Inspection of Vehicle and Passing Inspection Stickers
National Safety Compliance, Inc. will schedule timely re-inspections at your facility to re-inspect for corrected defects only. The re-inspection guarantees that any defects found on the initial inspection were repaired properly. Once the vehicle passes an inspection, a dated "Periodic Inspection Sticker" will be issued as required by the U.S. Department of Transportation annual vehicle inspection requirements.