
Loading and Unloading
Code: 4002
Price: $79.00

Covers when and how to use light systems, how to stop at pick-up-points, using mirrors, merging back into traffic, and more.
n/a Basic Driving Skills
Code: 4003
Price: $79.00

Includes proper choke use, braking operations, correct procedures for left- and right hand turns, and more.

n/a Safe Driving Principals
Code: 4004
Price: $79.00

Presents examples of many potential driving hazards a school bus driver faces during a daily run and how to be prepared to handle them.

n/a Driver First Aid
Code: 4006
Price: $79.00

Addresses the day-to-day minor injuries a bus driver must handle.


Emergency Evacuation
Code: 4007
Price: $79.00

Covers the driver's responsibilities for an emergency evacuation



Driving the Activity Bus
Code: 4008
Price: $79.00

Helps the driver understand the added responsibilities and requirements of activity bus operation.

n/a Who's Liable?
Code: 4010
Price: $79.00
This program provides answers to complicated legal issues, covers conditions of liability, and the potential for personal fault or liability. Examples of court cases help drivers understand these terms and how they apply when determining fault in the event of an accident.
n/a Buster and the Boosters
Code: 4005
Price: $79.00

Buster, the robotic school bus, teaches elementary school students how to be safe bus riders. (Grades K-3)

n/a "If I were the bus driver …"
Code: 4009
Price: $79.00

An imaginative ridership training video - a student is the driver while the troublesome students are all adults. (Grades 3-6)


n/a Buzzy's Safe Rider Rules
Code: 4013
Price: $79.00

Buzzy and his puppeteer friend Ralph teach safe ridership, stressing the importance of good behavior on the bus. (Pre-school to grade 3)


n/a A Safe Bus Ride: It All Begins with You
Code: 4014
Price: $79.00

A unique program aimed at helping parents prepare their young students for the bus ride to and from school.

n/a Managing the Middle School Rider
Code: 4201
Price: $79.00

An informative program designed to help drivers understand the nature of middle school students.

n/a Introduction to the Special Needs Bus
Code: 4501
Price: $79.00
Provides a complete overview of the challenges facing the new special needs driver and attendant.
n/a Loading and Unloading the Special Needs Bus
Code: 4502
Price: $79.00

Demonstrates the use of wheelchair lifts and tie-downs, personal safety restraints, and other equipment and procedures involved in loading and unloading special needs students.


Emergency Evacuation of the Special Needs Bus
Code: 4503
Price: $79.00

An essential tape covering the procedures for evacuating ambulatory and non-ambulatory riders from the bus.


Transporting the Physically Disabled
Code: 4504
Price: $79.00

Describes the challenges involved in transporting the physically disabled, stressing the importance of allowing them to become as independent as possible.

Transporting the Mentally Disabled
Code: 4505
Price: $79.00

Explains the behavior and attitudes associated with mentally disabling conditions, stressing the importance of the driver's role in the overall daily education process

Transporting the Emotionally Disabled
Code: 4506
Price: $79.00

Explains the behavior and attitudes associated with students who are emotionally disabled, stressing the importance of a patient but firm attitude to maintain control on the bus.

Wheelchair Management
Code: 4507
Price: $79.00

Covers the problems caused by the many variables in wheelchairs, from differences in construction to the variety of ways they must be secured on the bus.

Universal Precautions on the Special Needs Bus
Code: 4508
Price: $79.00

Because special needs drivers are exposed to other virus carrying body fluids besides blood, this program includes information on preventing the transmission of HIV, CMV, Hepatitis A and B, Influenza, and the common cold.

Transporting Students with Hearing Disabilities
Code: 4510
Price: $79.00


Transporting Students with Visual Disabilities
Code: 4511
Price: $79.00


Transporting Students with Mental Disabilities
Code: 4512
Price: $79.00


Transporting Students with ADD/ADHD Disorders
Code: 4513
Price: $79.00


Transporting Students with Orthopedic Disabilities
Code: 4514
Price: $79.00


Sexuality and Socialization for Students with Disabilities
Code: 4515
Price: $79.00


Understanding the Dysfunctional Family
Code: 4516
Price: $79.00


You Can't Live Without It - Your Safety Belt!
Code: 4613
Price: $79.00

Shows and tells all the reasons why the safety belt should always be buckled up.

Pre-trip Inspection for Bus Safety
Code: 5001
Price: $99.00

Up-to-date guidelines for this most important procedure. Includes extensive instructions for correct mirror adjustment.

Wheelchair Transportation
Code: 5002
Price: $99.00

Provides detailed instruction on handling and securing wheelchairs on and off the bus. Includes specific instruction on how to make the experience as pleasant as possible for the student in a wheelchair.

Transporting Infants and Toddlers
Code: 5003
Price: $99.00

Based on guidelines developed by NHTSA, this program demonstrates driver/attendant procedures for the proper way to secure infants and toddlers in approved child safety restraints. As pupil transportation departments face an increasing demand to transport pre-schoolers – even infants – this is a must have program.

School Bus Safety: It's All Black and White
Code: 5004
Price: $99.00

All new program, with help from a former Disney mime, teaches young riders school bus safety rules. Good for students from K-4th grade.

Behavior Management Practices for the School Bus
Code: 5005
Price: $99.00

Gives drivers practical ideas for how to deal with minor as well as major problems on the bus. Run Time: 16:30

The End of the Road
Code: 5006
Price: $129.00

A program designed especially to show middle-school bus riders that features real students dramatically illustrating the potentially tragic results of horseplay on the bus. Produced in 2006.